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Cool pen-pals with photos!
Hi! I come to this site to make friends and improve my English skills! I wish I could have a good time with you. Please Feel free to message to me. I'm native Korean. Also, I can use English. Although I have a low English level, but I will do my best to communicate with you. I live in seoul. I'm interested in cooking and sports like soccer, baseball and table tennis. Thank you for your attention to read my personal information
안녕하세요 외국인 친구를 만들고 영어 실력을 향상시키기 위해 가입했어요! 한국어와 영어로 대화할 수 있어요! 잘 부탁드립니다~ 편하게 메세지 보내주세요!
Cool pen-pals with photos!
You can make Korean, Japanese and Chinese friends and find free pen pals from around the world with Hi! Penpal!. Also you can share information related with KPOP, JPOP, Japanese Manga, Animation and so on!
Free penpal site for people of all ages to find penpals for language learning, friendship, cultural exchange and international relationships.
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