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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 622203

Gender : Female
Age : 33
Live in : Philippines
Hi thereThank you for checking my profile ,but i would like it if you leave me a message. Im just simple so I can easily get along with .So whoever you are feel free to message me, thank y...
Gender : Male
Age : 32
Live in : Korea
こんにちは 韓国に住んでいる27歳 韓国の年 男です 日本語を一人で独学で勉強しているが 始めたばかりなので下手です 翻訳機の助けが必要だが 日本語と日本文化に対してもっとたく...
Gender : Male
Age : 34
Live in : Japan
안녕하세요 저는 도쿄에 살고 있는 무라라고 해요 한국에 유학한적이 있어서 한국어는 조금 할 수 있어요 4월에 서울으로 여행을 갈거니까 다시 한국어를 공부하고 있어요 많이 알려주...
Gender : Female
Age : 40
Live in : Indonesia
Hello everyone I like to make new friend from all over the world I am also like to know and learn language and culture from other country Have a nice d...
Gender : Female
Age : 39
Live in : France
Hi My name is Christelle, I m French, for 8 months I will live in France to perfectioned my competance in my job. I would like meet penpals. I m agree to doing change the letters and mail, i can use o...
Gender : Female
Age : 32
Live in : Korea
はじめまして 韓国に住む92年生の女の子です. 日本に関心が多くて独学で日本語の勉強中ですアニメと星野源が好きです長い間連絡してすごせばいいですよ 仲良くなったら手紙とプレ...
Gender : Female
Age : 37
Live in : Korea
始めまして 日本語の勉強中です まだ日本語が下手ですが よろしくお願いします そして同じ性別と友達になりたいです 仲良くしましょう コロナに気をつけてください 今日も幸せな一...