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Pluma-pals con fotos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620192

Gé nero : Macho
Edad : 29
Vivir en : Corea
日本語を学んでいる29歳の男性です 韓国で板前として働いています 日本の文化と日本料理に興味があります 日本語を今習っているところなので初心者レベルです 日本語と韓国語をお...
Gé nero : Macho
Edad : 39
Vivir en : Japón
京都府南部に住んでいます 韓国全般に関心があります 韓国語は入門レベルで流暢ではありません ハングルは名前とある程度の単語は書けます おしゃべり好きですので よろしくお願...
Gé nero : Hembra
Edad : 51
Vivir en : Singapur
Hello. My name is Vee. I d loved to learn more about other countries and lifestyles and to make friendships. My hobbies include reading, writing, handycrafting, and having an unhealthy obsession for c...
Gé nero : Macho
Edad : 43
Vivir en : Corea
Hi, I m a caring, gentle, and self responsible person and know what I want in my life. I enjoy classic movies, books, and martial arts and am also interested in different cultures and languages. I wou...
Gé nero : Hembra
Edad : 33
Vivir en : Japón
안녕하세요 저는 아카리라고 합니다 일본인입니다 한국어를 공부 하고 있어요 한국여행을 좋아해요 서울, 부산에 가봤어요 취미는 음막 듣기 쇼핑 카페 가기 드라마 보기 오래 연락할수 ...
Gé nero : Hembra
Edad : 45
Vivir en : Japón
Nice to meet you. My hobby is listening to music and reading books. I also like making accessories. English is not very good. I want to make friends with the person in various countrie...
Gé nero : Macho
Edad : 31
Vivir en : Corea
HelloI m korean, of course can speak korean, a little english. sorry, can t other s language. But, Don t worry we have google. AND, If you teach your language, SO I feel like happy I ve a one of wishl...
HI! PENPAL! : Website for making Korean Penpal, Korean Friends, Japanese Penpal, Japanese Friends.
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Pluma-pals con fotos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620192

Gé nero : Macho
Edad : 29
Vivir en : Corea
日本語を学んでいる29歳の男性です 韓国で板前として働いています 日本の文化と日本料理に興味があります 日本語を今習っているところなので初心者レベルです 日本語と韓国語をお...
Gé nero : Macho
Edad : 39
Vivir en : Japón
京都府南部に住んでいます 韓国全般に関心があります 韓国語は入門レベルで流暢ではありません ハングルは名前とある程度の単語は書けます おしゃべり好きですので よろしくお願...
Gé nero : Hembra
Edad : 51
Vivir en : Singapur
Hello. My name is Vee. I d loved to learn more about other countries and lifestyles and to make friendships. My hobbies include reading, writing, handycrafting, and having an unhealthy obsession for c...
Gé nero : Macho
Edad : 43
Vivir en : Corea
Hi, I m a caring, gentle, and self responsible person and know what I want in my life. I enjoy classic movies, books, and martial arts and am also interested in different cultures and languages. I wou...
Gé nero : Hembra
Edad : 33
Vivir en : Japón
안녕하세요 저는 아카리라고 합니다 일본인입니다 한국어를 공부 하고 있어요 한국여행을 좋아해요 서울, 부산에 가봤어요 취미는 음막 듣기 쇼핑 카페 가기 드라마 보기 오래 연락할수 ...
Gé nero : Hembra
Edad : 45
Vivir en : Japón
Nice to meet you. My hobby is listening to music and reading books. I also like making accessories. English is not very good. I want to make friends with the person in various countrie...
Gé nero : Macho
Edad : 31
Vivir en : Corea
HelloI m korean, of course can speak korean, a little english. sorry, can t other s language. But, Don t worry we have google. AND, If you teach your language, SO I feel like happy I ve a one of wishl...