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From. Korea ^___^
15,Jan 2014 02:04 AM
18,Jan 2014 11:19 PM
Rilakkuma >__
my letter ^^
cute Teddy ^___^
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Total comment(s) :8
Oh, It's very gooooood!!
sngtoh | 17,Jan 2014
thank uuuu so muchh >___< :)
minelif | 18,Jan 2014
İnanmıyoruuuuuuuuuuuuuum. Ben deeeeeeeeeeeeee. :D
senalmh | 17,Jan 2014
Hahahahahahaha.. İnşallahhh^^
minelif | 18,Jan 2014
Very good!
yapozelo | 15,Jan 2014
oh~really? thank you so much^___^
minelif | 17,Jan 2014
Adresleri kapatsaydın keşke. :)
buj_a | 15,Jan 2014
ahh!! haklısın.. hiç aklıma gelmedi..
minelif | 15,Jan 2014