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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620201

Gender : Male
Age : 32
Live in : Korea
はじめまして 韓国住み 32歳の韓国人です 日常会話が出来る日本の友達が欲しくて始めました プロフィールの写真は載せてないですが もっと仲良くなったら見せようと思ってます 趣...
Gender : Male
Age : 38
Live in : Korea
Hi. Good to see you. I m Korean and living in JeonJu, which is the southern small town of Korea. I m looking for a friend to talk with. I prefer email, but I gladly welcome snail mail. Coffee and cook...
Gender : Male
Age : 31
Live in : Korea
안녕하세요외국인 친구를 만들고 싶은 31살 남자입니다. helloI am a 31 year old man who wants to make foreign friends. こんにちは 外国人の友達を作りたい31歳の男です 일본어, 영어를 잘하고 싶고 또 ...
Gender : Female
Age : 38
Live in : Romania
HelloI want to meet penpal s who can speak about their country, culture, music and other things. Also i learn hangul ,probably someone can help me with that, it will be great. Thank yo...
Gender : Male
Age : 24
Live in : Korea
안녕하세요 한국에 사는 99년생 대학생입니다. 소소하게 일상 이야기를 할 수 있는 친구를 사귀고 싶어서 가입했어요. 취미는 요즘은 산책하고 책 읽기입니다. 영화도 좋아하는데 추천해 ...
Gender : Male
Age : 35
Live in : Korea
私の名前は ミョンウ です 現在 私は仁川国際空港で 出入国再審関連公務職として在職中です 日本語は70 程度 自分おり 毎年 常に日本を観光します 2015年 8年前 カナダのバンクーバー...
Gender : Male
Age : 34
Live in : Japan
Nice to meet you. I’m a positive person and love nature and animals so much. I love traveling abroad. Where I’ve been to so far are Canada ,Australia, Hong Kong, Qatar, France, Belgium, Netherlands, G...
Hi! Penpal! Let's make French friends
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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620201

Gender : Male
Age : 32
Live in : Korea
はじめまして 韓国住み 32歳の韓国人です 日常会話が出来る日本の友達が欲しくて始めました プロフィールの写真は載せてないですが もっと仲良くなったら見せようと思ってます 趣...
Gender : Male
Age : 38
Live in : Korea
Hi. Good to see you. I m Korean and living in JeonJu, which is the southern small town of Korea. I m looking for a friend to talk with. I prefer email, but I gladly welcome snail mail. Coffee and cook...
Gender : Male
Age : 31
Live in : Korea
안녕하세요외국인 친구를 만들고 싶은 31살 남자입니다. helloI am a 31 year old man who wants to make foreign friends. こんにちは 外国人の友達を作りたい31歳の男です 일본어, 영어를 잘하고 싶고 또 ...
Gender : Female
Age : 38
Live in : Romania
HelloI want to meet penpal s who can speak about their country, culture, music and other things. Also i learn hangul ,probably someone can help me with that, it will be great. Thank yo...
Gender : Male
Age : 24
Live in : Korea
안녕하세요 한국에 사는 99년생 대학생입니다. 소소하게 일상 이야기를 할 수 있는 친구를 사귀고 싶어서 가입했어요. 취미는 요즘은 산책하고 책 읽기입니다. 영화도 좋아하는데 추천해 ...
Gender : Male
Age : 35
Live in : Korea
私の名前は ミョンウ です 現在 私は仁川国際空港で 出入国再審関連公務職として在職中です 日本語は70 程度 自分おり 毎年 常に日本を観光します 2015年 8年前 カナダのバンクーバー...
Gender : Male
Age : 34
Live in : Japan
Nice to meet you. I’m a positive person and love nature and animals so much. I love traveling abroad. Where I’ve been to so far are Canada ,Australia, Hong Kong, Qatar, France, Belgium, Netherlands, G...