

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620748

性別 : 女性
年齢 : 38
居住地 : 日本
はじめまして 38歳 東京在住の日本人です 趣味は旅行 スポーツ観戦 バスケ 野球 映画・音楽鑑賞 登山です L Arc en Ciel大好き 日本から近いので台湾には年 回くらい行きます いろんな国...
性別 : 男性
年齢 : 28
居住地 : 韓国
Hello, ThereMy name is SeoJoon Oh. I want to make foreign friend that who want deep, long contact. I really want to know about different country s culture and lifestyle. each country have own unique c...
性別 : 男性
年齢 : 28
居住地 : 韓国
안녕하세요좋은 친구가 됐으면 좋겠어요나이 상관없이 한국인 일본인 친하게 지내고 싶습니다. 이왕이면 사진 있으신 분들만 연락주세요 ㅠㅠ 일본여행을 좋아합니다 저는 회사원이고 ...
性別 : 男性
年齢 : 41
居住地 : 日本
안녕하세요. 저는 한국어를 공부하고 있어요. 한국 사람과 친구가 되고 싶어요. 한국어는 잘하지 못하지만 열심히 하고 싶어요. 남녀 불문하고 연락 주시면 감사하겠습니다. 韓国語を勉...
性別 : 女性
年齢 : 28
居住地 : フィリピン
안녕하세요こんにちはI am hoping to find a language exchange friend who can help me improve my korean and japanese skills I am currently self studying korean to be fluent and will soon study japanese too because...
性別 : 女性
年齢 : 32
居住地 : スウェーデン
Just a withdrawn, quiet, emotional, negative, teary eyed lone wolf who came across this site when she was roaming around on the interne...
性別 : 女性
年齢 : 22
居住地 : 韓国
hi i m hannah from korea south i like to talk about super boring things to very serious and abstractive things like the conversations when you get high. analyzing and talking about how feelings work, ...