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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620828

Sesso : Femminile
Age : 42
Live in : Polonia
Hello. I m from Poland. I would like to talk to the people from other countries preferably people who are around my age or a bit older ,learn about foreign cultures and make friends if possible .I m...
Sesso : Femminile
Age : 44
Live in : Giappone
韓国の文化や料理が好きです 旅行に行きたいけど なかなか行く時間がなく今は新大久保に行って韓国旅行気分を楽しんでいます т т 色 と韓国や日本の文化の違いなどを楽しくお話し...
Sesso : Femminile
Age : 27
Live in : Corea del Sud
Hello, I m Sujin Heo. I m from South korea and looking for foreign friends to communicate diverse language. I m student major in Pharmacia. I m interested in learning languages, excercising, talking a...
Sesso : Femminile
Age : 32
Live in : Svezia
Just a withdrawn, quiet, emotional, negative, teary eyed lone wolf who came across this site when she was roaming around on the interne...
Sesso : Femminile
Age : 28
Live in : Filippine
안녕하세요こんにちはI am hoping to find a language exchange friend who can help me improve my korean and japanese skills I am currently self studying korean to be fluent and will soon study japanese too because...
Sesso : Maschile
Age : 35
Live in : Corea del Sud
私の名前は ミョンウ です 現在 私は仁川国際空港で 出入国再審関連公務職として在職中です 日本語は60 70 程度 自分おり 毎年 常に日本を観光します 2015年 9年前 カナダのバンクーバ...
Sesso : Femminile
Age : 17
Live in : Giappone
안녕하세요 한국의 문화를 좋아하는 일본인 학생 입니다 일본어 영어 한국어 조금만 대화가 가능해요 동세대의 친구를 사귀고 싶습니다잘 부탁합니다 こんにちは 韓国の文化が好きな日...