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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620307

เพศของฉัน : เพศชาย
Age : 30
Live in : ญี่ปุ่น
Hello It is not good English, but I want to become friends of all the worldI m a 28 year old. I m public servant in Japan. I like watching movies, playing golf, and watching anime. I want to learn for...
เพศของฉัน : เพศหญิง
Age : 37
Live in : ญี่ปุ่น
はじめまして 韓国人の友達がほしくて登録しました 最近はあまり見れてないですが韓国ドラマを見るのが好きで映画もたまに見ます いろんな話をして仲良くなれたら嬉しいです 韓国...
เพศของฉัน : เพศชาย
Age : 39
Live in : เกาหลีใต้
Hellomy name is Ojoonfrom South KoreaI want make a friend and study history and language from other countriesI like travel other places anywhereKorea or other countriesreading a books and comicsI gree...
เพศของฉัน : เพศหญิง
Age : 34
Live in : ญี่ปุ่น
Hello, I am farmer from Japan. I used to work in restaurant then become interested farming to produce safe food. Now I study English because I will move to Australia. My hobby is aroma massage and lis...
เพศของฉัน : เพศหญิง
Age : 32
Live in : ญี่ปุ่น
안녕하세요. 저는 한국어를 공부하고 있는 91년생이에요. 중학생 때부터 한국에 관심이 생겼어요. 한국 드라마나 음악을 좋아해요. 여러가지 얘기하면서 한국에 대해 더 알고 싶어요. 잘 ...
เพศของฉัน : เพศหญิง
Age : 31
Live in : ฝรั่งเศส
안녕하세요, 내이름은 아나예요. 프랑스 사람예요. I am planing to go in korea and maybe Japan this year to learn about technics, I would like to become ceramist. I have already been in korea 6months for an exchange student...
เพศของฉัน : เพศชาย
Age : 28
Live in : เกาหลีใต้
안녕하세요좋은 친구가 됐으면 좋겠어요나이 상관없이 한국인 일본인 친하게 지내고 싶습니다. 이왕이면 사진 있으신 분들만 연락주세요 ㅠㅠ 저는 회사원이고 기숙사 생활을 하고 있어...
HI! PENPAL! : Website for making Korean Penpal, Korean Friends, Japanese Penpal, Japanese Friends.
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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620307

เพศของฉัน : เพศชาย
Age : 30
Live in : ญี่ปุ่น
Hello It is not good English, but I want to become friends of all the worldI m a 28 year old. I m public servant in Japan. I like watching movies, playing golf, and watching anime. I want to learn for...
เพศของฉัน : เพศหญิง
Age : 37
Live in : ญี่ปุ่น
はじめまして 韓国人の友達がほしくて登録しました 最近はあまり見れてないですが韓国ドラマを見るのが好きで映画もたまに見ます いろんな話をして仲良くなれたら嬉しいです 韓国...
เพศของฉัน : เพศชาย
Age : 39
Live in : เกาหลีใต้
Hellomy name is Ojoonfrom South KoreaI want make a friend and study history and language from other countriesI like travel other places anywhereKorea or other countriesreading a books and comicsI gree...
เพศของฉัน : เพศหญิง
Age : 34
Live in : ญี่ปุ่น
Hello, I am farmer from Japan. I used to work in restaurant then become interested farming to produce safe food. Now I study English because I will move to Australia. My hobby is aroma massage and lis...
เพศของฉัน : เพศหญิง
Age : 32
Live in : ญี่ปุ่น
안녕하세요. 저는 한국어를 공부하고 있는 91년생이에요. 중학생 때부터 한국에 관심이 생겼어요. 한국 드라마나 음악을 좋아해요. 여러가지 얘기하면서 한국에 대해 더 알고 싶어요. 잘 ...
เพศของฉัน : เพศหญิง
Age : 31
Live in : ฝรั่งเศส
안녕하세요, 내이름은 아나예요. 프랑스 사람예요. I am planing to go in korea and maybe Japan this year to learn about technics, I would like to become ceramist. I have already been in korea 6months for an exchange student...
เพศของฉัน : เพศชาย
Age : 28
Live in : เกาหลีใต้
안녕하세요좋은 친구가 됐으면 좋겠어요나이 상관없이 한국인 일본인 친하게 지내고 싶습니다. 이왕이면 사진 있으신 분들만 연락주세요 ㅠㅠ 저는 회사원이고 기숙사 생활을 하고 있어...