

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620864

性別 : 女性
年齢 : 25
居住地 : 日本
안녕하세요. 저는 일본에 살고 있는 빠른99년생 여자입니다. 어렸을 때부터 한국을 좋아해서 자주 여행합니다. 언젠가 어학 유학하고 싶다고 생각하고 있으니까 한국 친구를 만들고 싶어...
性別 : 女性
年齢 : 24
居住地 : メキシコ
Hi thereMy name is Jaisa, nice to meet you. I m a Mexican 24 years old girl. I would like to meet people from all around the world. My English skills are not really good. But I hope we can be friends ...
性別 : 男性
年齢 : 22
居住地 : 韓国
どうもこんにちは 僕は日本と日本語に興味が多くあります この夏に旅行も行くつもりなんです 怪しい人ではないから 安心してPenpalしてください 韓国語のニュアンスとか知りたいこ...
性別 : 男性
年齢 : 63
居住地 : 韓国
I am a beautiful person at heart. Because my heart is beautiful, my appearance is still beautiful. It is said that if you fill your heart with flowers, you can go to heaven. Even if life is painful, I...
性別 : 女性
年齢 : 22
居住地 : イラン
Hi tnx for checking ma profile Im hila ,Tourism student from iran I love learning new language and know more about other countries culture i already know korean ,chinese a bit of russian and thai My h...
性別 : 女性
年齢 : 37
居住地 : ポーランド
Hi. My name is Agnieszka. I m come from Poland. I d like to learn japanese and korean. Besides I want to find friends who can talk with me. I m interesting of Asian culture especially South Korea and ...
性別 : 女性
年齢 : 34
居住地 : トルコ
안녕하세요. 제 이름은 큐브라예요. 저는 튀르키예 사람이에요, 큐타흐야에서 왔어요. 저는 서른네 살이에요. 선생님이에요. 책읽기 취미예요. 하지만 저는 담배를 전혀 안피워요. 저는 ...