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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 622240

Sesso : Femminile
Age : 52
Live in : Regno Unito
Hello, I would like to converse with lovely people aged between 30 50 years old. Happy to chat to any Korean males who are genuinely looking to have a good conversation with me. I do not use or .진심으로 ...
Sesso : Femminile
Age : 30
Live in : Portogallo
HelloMy name is Debora and I m from Portugal. I have been on Interpals for a while now, and it is a decision I don t regret because throughout the years I ve met some wonderful people and made meaning...
Sesso : Maschile
Age : 28
Live in : Corea del Sud
日本語が話せます. 韓国語を勉強して話し相手がほしがる人がいれば是非こえをかけてください いい会話の練習あいてになれますよ 気軽く声をかけてくださいね 仲良くなったらお土...
Ne4aic2ace57e1d7 ea5Je97Ub33N07c
Sesso : Maschile
Age : 38
Live in : Corea del Sud
Hi, I m Jun min. I would like to make new friends. To have friend at a distance is like journey. they make the latitudes and longitudes. It lets me broaden my horizons. I majored in Chemical and civil...
Sesso : Femminile
Age : 28
Live in : Corea del Sud
Hi I am zge who lives in Korea. I’m here to make some nice friends. Thank you, I will be waiting for your messag...
Sesso : Maschile
Age : 24
Live in : Corea del Sud
こんにちは日本人友達を作りたくて始めた韓国人です長くお互いに国の文化について教え合ったり 言語も教え合ったりできる友達を作りたいです 同じ年頃ならいいし プロフィールに...
Sesso : Maschile
Age : 25
Live in : Turchia
Hi everyoneI’m trying to learn foreign languages. If you want to share your knowledge, culture and daily life with me, I look forward to your message gladl...