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Open Penpal Search

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Geschlecht : Male
Age : 57
Wohnort : Japan
HI, I live in Sapporo City in Japan. My job is a teacher. I teach math for high school students. I want to make friends who are interested in Japan. Thanks of this site, I have been contacting with th...
Geschlecht : Female
Age : 40
Wohnort : Japan
Hi, thereI m 34years old female from Japan. I love travellling around the world and cooking and so on. I d like to meet someone to exchange email. Please ask me about Japan if you want...
Geschlecht : Female
Age : 29
Wohnort : Singapore
안녕하세요 제 이름은 샤넬이고 29살이에요. 싱가폴 사람인데 한국에서 살아 봤어요. 모국어는 영어와 중국어 때문에 편하게 이해할 수 있어요. 한국어와 일본어도 공부했고 요즘 스페인...
Geschlecht : Male
Age : 53
Wohnort : Korea
안녕하세요저는 미혼입니다 한국의 지방 도시에 살고 있습니다 외국어를 모르기 때문에 번역기를 사용하고 있습니다 번역기나 통역기를 사용해도 친구가 되어줄 여성 분은 연락 주세요...
Geschlecht : Male
Age : 50
Wohnort : Taiwan
hi Iam Eric and come from Taiwan. I had been to Tokyo for japanese studying for one year .I would like to make a friend with u .yo ro shi ku o ne gai shi ma ...
Geschlecht : Female
Age : 32
Wohnort : Japan
こんにちは ๑ ᴗ 韓国人の友達が欲しくて登録しました 韓国語は まだまだ未熟ですが 一緒に勉強をしたり 楽しい会話ができたら嬉しいです ファッション・コスメ・運動が好きです...
Geschlecht : Male
Age : 25
Wohnort : Korea
こんにちは 私は99年生まれで テジョンに住んでます 今は 韓国の地方の国立大学で 日本語と日本文学を専攻してる4年生です 日本人のお友達がいなくて 日本語で語らうチャンスがまっ...