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Gender : Female
Age : 52
Live in : Japan
안녕하세요 한국어를 공부하는 일본인입니다. 한국에는 아직 2번밖에 간 적이 없는데 코로나가 끝나면 또 즐거운 한국여행을 하기위해서 지금 열심히 공부하고있습니다 목표는 언젠가 ...
Gender : Female
Age : 24
Live in : Korea
こんにちは 私は00年生まれで韓国の学生です 日本の方と友達になりたくて書いてみます 日本のアニメも大好きで 地域についても関心があります いつか会える日を楽しみにしながらど...
Gender : Male
Age : 50
Live in : Japan
Hello Dayton and I am from Nevada City California, United States I m currently in Japan I m here for the past 4 month and I love Japanese culture please I want to learn...
Gender : Male
Age : 27
Live in : Korea
My name 동근 you can call me DG if you want. I m 22 i live in young in Cities near Seoul I really like candies and snail so i raise snails I want to learn other language and cultu...
Gender : Male
Age : 29
Live in : France
Hi, i m looking to make friends and chat with people from all around the world. I can help a little with French. Feel free to contact m...
Gender : Female
Age : 33
Live in : Poland
Polish girl looking for language and culture exchange. New interesting friends always welcome Fluent in polish, english, spanish, turkish and russian. Learning korean and chinese. Yoga and meditation,...
Gender : Male
Age : 34
Live in : Korea
こんにちは 日本が好きで日本語の勉強中ですが 独学中なので限界を感じて 日本人の友達に会って学びたいです 言語交換をしたい方を探してます 年齢 性別に関係なく 軽く真剣に勉強...