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Pluma-pals con fotos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620790

Gé nero : Macho
Edad : 21
Vivir en : Corea
HelloMy name is Suhyun. 21 years old. I m not good at English, but I want to meet a variety of foreign friends. My hobbies include walking and playing games. I want to get to know you a lot. If you se...
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Gé nero : Hembra
Edad : 47
Vivir en : Otros
性別・年齢・国籍に関係なくpositiveで長く仲良く友達になれる人のみメッセージください を強要する人 プロフィールがない人 恋人を探している人はメッセージはご遠慮下さい ここに...
Gé nero : Macho
Edad : 23
Vivir en : Japón
안녕하세요한국문화를 배우고 싶은 00년대 일본인입니다. 취미는 음악 영화 애니메이션 감상 외식 과자를 먹는 것입니다. 해외의 문화에 흥미가 있으므로 꼭 가르쳐 주는 친구를 찾고 있...
Gé nero : Macho
Edad : 47
Vivir en : Japón
Hello, My name is Takashi Hamura. I live in Japan and have good memories through overseas trip Lodon .Travelling is my favorite activity and current pandemic situation makes me disappointed. I hope t...
Gé nero : Hembra
Edad : 32
Vivir en : Otros
Hola I hope u r all doin fine. First of all thank u for visiting my penpal page. I m very excited to being here for cultural exchangeing. Likewise i can say that this site s making habit over time. He...
Gé nero : Hembra
Edad : 41
Vivir en : Japón
こんにちは 私は海外に興味がある日本人です 日常の話から 趣味やお互いの国の話など いろいろな話ができる相手を探しています 休みの日はドラマを見るのが好きで 韓国ドラマや中...
Gé nero : Hembra
Edad : 24
Vivir en : Mexico
Hi thereMy name is Jaisa, nice to meet you. I m a Mexican 24 years old girl. I would like to meet people from all around the world. My English skills are not really good. But I hope we can be friends ...