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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620285

Gender : Female
Age : 18
Live in : Korea
helloI am Korean and a high school student. I like talking to various people regardless of country or language, so I started using this app. I m looking for someone I can keep in touch with for a long...
Gender : Male
Age : 19
Live in : Korea
안녕하세요 저는 05년생 정호진입니다 2년 뒤 일본으로 워킹홀리데이를 계획 중이라 일본어 공부를 시작했어요 한국에 사는 일본인 친구 아니면 그냥 일본인 친구를 만들고 싶어요서로 ...
Gender : Female
Age : 16
Live in : China
I have re uploaded the picturesHello. Nice to meet youI am a high school student. I like to discuss philosophy, sociology and art issues. In my spare time, I like reading and listening to music, most...
Gender : Female
Age : 20
Live in : Poland
Helloノ My name is Patrycja and I m from Poland. I am friendly and talkative. I m a photography student. ๑ ᴗ I want to know more about your culture. My hobbies movies, photos, cooking, computer games, ...
Gender : Male
Age : 16
Live in : France
こんにちは ぼくの名前はレミーです ピレネーの東 に住んでいます ぼくは日本語を学んでいます 日本文化を発見して日本語能力を向上させるため 新しい人に出会って日本語を練習し...
Gender : Male
Age : 16
Live in : Korea
한국에 살고있는 고등학교 1학년 학생입니다. 장래희망은 특수부대에 들어가는 것이며 3년뒤 군대에 들어가기 전 친구들과 일본여행을 가기로 약속해서 일본어를 배우고 싶습니다. 취미는...
Gender : Male
Age : 19
Live in : Korea
hello. My name is Noh. I joined because I wanted to learn the basic language of each country through my friends overseas. I thought it would be nice to learn the language of that country from a friend...
Hi! Penpal! Let's make World friends
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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620285

Gender : Female
Age : 18
Live in : Korea
helloI am Korean and a high school student. I like talking to various people regardless of country or language, so I started using this app. I m looking for someone I can keep in touch with for a long...
Gender : Male
Age : 19
Live in : Korea
안녕하세요 저는 05년생 정호진입니다 2년 뒤 일본으로 워킹홀리데이를 계획 중이라 일본어 공부를 시작했어요 한국에 사는 일본인 친구 아니면 그냥 일본인 친구를 만들고 싶어요서로 ...
Gender : Female
Age : 16
Live in : China
I have re uploaded the picturesHello. Nice to meet youI am a high school student. I like to discuss philosophy, sociology and art issues. In my spare time, I like reading and listening to music, most...
Gender : Female
Age : 20
Live in : Poland
Helloノ My name is Patrycja and I m from Poland. I am friendly and talkative. I m a photography student. ๑ ᴗ I want to know more about your culture. My hobbies movies, photos, cooking, computer games, ...
Gender : Male
Age : 16
Live in : France
こんにちは ぼくの名前はレミーです ピレネーの東 に住んでいます ぼくは日本語を学んでいます 日本文化を発見して日本語能力を向上させるため 新しい人に出会って日本語を練習し...
Gender : Male
Age : 16
Live in : Korea
한국에 살고있는 고등학교 1학년 학생입니다. 장래희망은 특수부대에 들어가는 것이며 3년뒤 군대에 들어가기 전 친구들과 일본여행을 가기로 약속해서 일본어를 배우고 싶습니다. 취미는...
Gender : Male
Age : 19
Live in : Korea
hello. My name is Noh. I joined because I wanted to learn the basic language of each country through my friends overseas. I thought it would be nice to learn the language of that country from a friend...