

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620478

性别 : 女性
年龄 : 19
住处 : 捷克共和国
Hii, I really want to meet people from around the world, learn me their culture and language. I m a student and I enjoy anything about art. Only people my or close to my age pleas...
性别 : 男性
年龄 : 28
住处 : 韩国
hi. I like foreign countries, but I don t have any foreign friends yet. I m still preparing for an overseas trip, but I want to get in touch with someone I can talk to and be friendly with. I like spo...
性别 : 女性
年龄 : 19
住处 : 斯里兰卡
Hi everyone. I m 19 years old from Sri Lanka. I would like to learn different cultures and would like to talk to people from different countries. I like reading, watching anime and listening to music....
性别 : 女性
年龄 : 45
住处 : 日本
안녕하세요 저는 한국음식과 한글을 좋아해서 한국어를 공부하는 사람이에요 일본에 사니까 한국어를 쓰는 기회가 없어서 가입했어요 일본대해 관심이 있는 분이라면 좋겠어요 일본어를...
性别 : 女性
年龄 : 34
住处 : 日本
はじめまして韓国から帰国したばかりの日本人です 旅行が好きで 新しいことを知るのが大好きです映画やミュージカルも好きで よく見ます たくさんの方と仲良くできたら うれしい...
性别 : 女性
年龄 : 28
住处 : 伊朗
Hello I am interested in South Korea. I love Korean culture, history, food and K pop. I like traveling and want to know a lot about different countries. I use translator. Thank you for sending me a me...
性别 : 男性
年龄 : 32
住处 : 韩国
翻訳機がちょっと変に翻訳するかも知れません 時差が少ない国のペンパル友達を好みます 私は日本のアニメと音楽を聞くことが好きです また外国の歴史に興味があります 韓国の歴史...