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Gender : Male
Age : 24
Live in : Korea
Hi I m 25 yo who live in korea I signed up to make foreigner friends D I like to play games, basketball, golf and read a book Thanks for reading and give me a mail with ease regardless of sex, country...
Gender : Female
Age : 53
Live in : United States
I love the rain. I like to plant things and I like animals. I’m the queen of laughter and I’m looking for friends who enjoy the same things as me. Traveling is definitely going to be added to my hobby...
Gender : Male
Age : 34
Live in : Japan
안녕하세요私は千葉に住んでいる89年生の韓国人で東京で会社員をしています 長く色 なことが話せるお友達になれたら嬉しいです 韓国料理が大好きなので一緒に食べたり飲みに行け...
Gender : Male
Age : 36
Live in : Korea
はじめまして旅行が好きで 新しいことを知るのが大好きです映画やクラシックピアノ公演も好きでよく見ます 日本語で会話は少しできますが まだまだ足りませんㅠㅡㅠ たくさんの方...
Gender : Female
Age : 34
Live in : United States
Hola, I m looking to meet new people and become friends. I would like to get to you and your culture, traditions etc. I m from California, latina. I work with special education students as well as in ...
Gender : Female
Age : 34
Live in : Japan
はじめまして 日本人のまりなと申します 韓国料理や映画が好きで 今までに10回ほど韓国に行きました 韓国語の勉強も少ししてましたが コロナで仕事が忙しくなり お休みしていたら...
Gender : Female
Age : 30
Live in : France
Hello My name is CecileI would like to correspond with people all over the world but particularly in Asia South Korea, Japan. In America, Europe Italy, England. and AustraliaLikes and Interests Music,...