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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620279

Gender : Male
Age : 50
Live in : Korea
Hi, I am Marvel. I m looking for international friends to talk with and write to. Slow e mail is good, but I would be happy if I could speak with a friend. I m learning English, so anyone who is good ...
Gender : Male
Age : 34
Live in : Korea
友達になってください 日本文化に関心が高く 日本の音楽 ドラマに興味があります 日本語をジャルハジヌンんが 移民も準備をしています メールお待ちしてます トーク ラインがあり...
Gender : Female
Age : 29
Live in : Japan
안녕하세요 94年生で大阪に住んでいます 連絡をちゃんと取れる人と仲良くしたいです 学生の時に ヶ月間だけですが韓国留学しました ほんとに少しの間で それも本当に昔なのでほと...
Gender : Female
Age : 16
Live in : India
heloo looking for someone who can help me improve my french and teach me korean i can help you in english too also if you wanna be friends, just hit me up with a message i like to talk about life, boo...
Gender : Male
Age : 24
Live in : Korea
안녕하세요 저는 한국인이고 지금 경기도에 거주하고있습니다. 나이는 24살입니다일본 문화와 일본사람들을 좋아해서 일본어를 공부중입니다. 아직 시작한지 얼마되지않아 일본어가 많...
Gender : Male
Age : 35
Live in : Korea
Hello everyone. Thank you for reading my profile. I am very interested in foreign culture and travel I had a great experience traveling abroad to Osaka, Japan If you just want to be my friend. welcome...
Gender : Male
Age : 42
Live in : Korea
안녕하세요 저는 한국사람이고 나이는 30대입니다. 지금 한국에서 일본어를 공부하고 있습니다. 일본어 알려주실 친구분들을 찾습니다. 그리고 저도 한국어를 알려드리겠습니다. 그럼 잘...
Hi! Penpal! make world penpals!
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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620279

Gender : Male
Age : 50
Live in : Korea
Hi, I am Marvel. I m looking for international friends to talk with and write to. Slow e mail is good, but I would be happy if I could speak with a friend. I m learning English, so anyone who is good ...
Gender : Male
Age : 34
Live in : Korea
友達になってください 日本文化に関心が高く 日本の音楽 ドラマに興味があります 日本語をジャルハジヌンんが 移民も準備をしています メールお待ちしてます トーク ラインがあり...
Gender : Female
Age : 29
Live in : Japan
안녕하세요 94年生で大阪に住んでいます 連絡をちゃんと取れる人と仲良くしたいです 学生の時に ヶ月間だけですが韓国留学しました ほんとに少しの間で それも本当に昔なのでほと...
Gender : Female
Age : 16
Live in : India
heloo looking for someone who can help me improve my french and teach me korean i can help you in english too also if you wanna be friends, just hit me up with a message i like to talk about life, boo...
Gender : Male
Age : 24
Live in : Korea
안녕하세요 저는 한국인이고 지금 경기도에 거주하고있습니다. 나이는 24살입니다일본 문화와 일본사람들을 좋아해서 일본어를 공부중입니다. 아직 시작한지 얼마되지않아 일본어가 많...
Gender : Male
Age : 35
Live in : Korea
Hello everyone. Thank you for reading my profile. I am very interested in foreign culture and travel I had a great experience traveling abroad to Osaka, Japan If you just want to be my friend. welcome...
Gender : Male
Age : 42
Live in : Korea
안녕하세요 저는 한국사람이고 나이는 30대입니다. 지금 한국에서 일본어를 공부하고 있습니다. 일본어 알려주실 친구분들을 찾습니다. 그리고 저도 한국어를 알려드리겠습니다. 그럼 잘...