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Open Penpal Search

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Gender : Male
Age : 28
Live in : Korea
韓国に居住している趣味でカメラマン ギタリストしていますB群と呼んでください 写真や動画の撮影が好きで デザート作りに趣味があります ゲームはPUBG OW MHWをプレイしています 日...
Gender : Male
Age : 29
Live in : Japan
안녕하세요 일본의 28세입니다. 한국을 좋아하고 매년 한두번갑니다. 아직 한국어는 할 수 없지만 조금씩 공부하고 있습니다. 쉽게 말은 알까ww 나는 카페와 여행을 좋아합니다. I want to be ab...
Gender : Male
Age : 33
Live in : Korea
Hello. I am currently studying Japanese. I am interested in Japanese culture and food travel. I would like to make many friends not only in Japan but also in other countries. I wish I could be a close...
Gender : Female
Age : 40
Live in : Japan
안녕하세요 일본의 간도지방에 살고있는 료라고합니다. 한국인친구를 만들고싶은데 오랫동안 연락보내기 받기가 힘든네요. 어쨌든 여러얘기 할수있는 친구를원합니다. 한국어 말할수...
Gender : Female
Age : 39
Live in : Japan
はじめまして 38歳 東京在住の日本人です 趣味は旅行 スポーツ観戦 バスケ 野球 映画・音楽鑑賞 登山です 日本から近いので台湾には年 回くらい行きます いろんな国の方とお話しをし...
Gender : Male
Age : 28
Live in : United States
Hi my name is Aal. I want to study abroad, but I am not sure where to go. I am a Computer Science major and I want to test my comfort zone by traveling, just to broaden by senses of the world lol. I h...
Gender : Male
Age : 25
Live in : Korea
At first, thanks for your attention to my profile and I m glad to meet you in this site. It might be almost improbable to know each other if you had not tried to make penpal friend, so I ll be in grea...