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Cool pen-pals with photos!
Hello, my name is Hyeonsik, but you can call me Hyeon. I'm from South Korea, and I'm an outgoing person who enjoys sports. Currently, I'm a university student majoring in Electronic Engineering.
I've been feeling a bit frustrated when it comes to communicating with foreigners due to my language skills. So, I'm eager to connect with people from other countries to improve my language skills. If you're interested, let's have a chat, become friends, and help each other enhance our language abilities. Would you like to be my friend
If you're interested, feel free to reach out to me at the email! I'll be waiting for you!
다양한 국적의 친구들을 찾고 있어요! 함께 이야기하면서 친해져요!
Cool pen-pals with photos!
You can make Korean, Japanese and Chinese friends and find free pen pals from around the world with Hi! Penpal!. Also you can share information related with KPOP, JPOP, Japanese Manga, Animation and so on!
Free penpal site for people of all ages to find penpals for language learning, friendship, cultural exchange and international relationships.
Hi! Penpal! is all free international penpal website. Just join us to make foreign friends. It's the easiest way to make world wide pen pals!
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