사진이 등록된 펜팔 친구들!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620958

성별 : 남성
나이 : 65
거주지 : 일본
Hello everyoneMy name is ToshiI am marriedMy hobbies are travel and motor cycleI would like to Snail MailI am waiting for a messageThank yo...
성별 : 여성
나이 : 39
거주지 : 프랑스
Hi My name is Christelle, I m French and live in Martinique. I would like meet penpals. I m agree to doing change the letters and mail, i can use or .I like documentary, nature, cooking specially Fren...
성별 : 여성
나이 : 16
거주지 : 노르웨이
HiI wanna meet new people. I like talking in general, kpop, music, singing, dancing, karate and i can also play violin. I can help you speak both English and Norwegian, I m fluent in English and go to...
성별 : 여성
나이 : 29
거주지 : 미국
안녕하세요제 이름은 니콜이에요 외국인 친구들과 얘기를 하고 싶어요 오래동안 한국어 공부했지만 아직 잘안해요, 그리고 통해 다른 사람들이 영어를 배우는 걸 도울 수 있기를 원해요...
성별 : 남성
나이 : 47
거주지 : 일본
Hello, My name is Takashi Hamura. I live in Japan and have good memories through overseas trip Lodon .Travelling is my favorite activity and current pandemic situation makes me disappointed. I hope t...
성별 : 여성
나이 : 35
거주지 : 터키
HelloI m from T rkiye. I like movies, listening to music, singing, hiking, painting, playing games and making dessert. These are things I enjoy doing. I am interested in language exchange and differen...
성별 : 남성
나이 : 32
거주지 : 일본
日本に住んでいる韓国人です 日本語を使う機会を増やしたく 始めました 仕事以外に使う機会がなかなかないです ㅠ .会話の実力も足りないので いつか電話まで出来たらと願ってい...