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Open Penpal Search

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Sexe : Homme
Âge : 43
Vit en : Corée du Sud
日本に対してもっと知りたくて登録しました 着実にニュースを送受信日本人友達を捜します 今日も昨日のように頭をすべてが失敗超え疲れているのに月光に近づいなどを撫でてくれ...
Sexe : Homme
Âge : 48
Vit en : Kenya
Hi, my name is Ken. I am a Kenyan seeking to make friends with people from other parts of the world; Asia, Europe and America in order to learn from each other and if possible to meet and experience o...
Sexe : Homme
Âge : 22
Vit en : Corée du Sud
Hello I m interested in foreign country. I live in busan. Name is hwan ,환 ,桓 hu n I have a dialect in busan and a seoul accent .I know astrology ,Oriental Occult korean Ocult, japanese Ocult I can tel...
Sexe : Femme
Âge : 24
Vit en : Japon
안녕하세요저는 파무입니다 한국어는 가끔 파파고를 사용했지만 말할수있어요 한국에는 전주 부산 서울 지금까지5번 갔어요 취미는 요리 여행이에요저는 기혼자입니다. 한국어 공부중...
Sexe : Homme
Âge : 15
Vit en : Corée du Sud
Hello I m high school student from Korea and I want to make friends near my age from other countries and I can speak English and Japanese little I hope you to give me messag...
Sexe : Femme
Âge : 17
Vit en : Corée du Sud
I live in Korea. I like Japanese animation and cartoons. I hope we can talk about cartoons together. I can speak English and Japanese a little, but I speak Korean the best. I am Korean, but I am not g...
Sexe : Femme
Âge : 15
Vit en : Corée du Sud
Hello, I am 15 years old and live in Korea. I want to be close to my Russian friends or American friends. Also, I want to be good at Russian and English. Please feel free to send me an e mail 3 Здравс...