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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 623520

Gender : Male
Age : 53
Live in : Korea
始めまして. 渡り鳥の憩いの場である河南に住んでいます 鳥 花 バロック音楽が好きです 趣味で日本語を習っていますがまだ初心者です どうぞよろしくお願いします 長く連絡が取れ...
Gender : Female
Age : 55
Live in : Japan
初めまして 韓国の方と繋がりたくて登録しました 仲良くなりたいので長く続く人だけメッセージ下さい 何気ない日常の会話や情報交換など色 な話をしたいです 韓国語も独学で勉強...
Gender : Male
Age : 26
Live in : Korea
Anywords, anytime, always welcome. Regradless of gender, age, country, i just want to talk about many topics Someone who want to talk me contact me without hesitate I always waiting for a connection t...
Gender : Female
Age : 22
Live in : Turkey
Hi everyone I am Liva and I am from T rkiye I learning English but I want do practice so I searching friends. My hobbies charcoal drawing learning to play violin and piano and i love spor...
Gender : Male
Age : 41
Live in : Korea
안녕하세요. 저의 프로필을 봐주셔서 감사합니다. 저는 몇 년 전부터 일본이 좋아져서 일본어를 혼자 공부하고 있습니다. 그리고 일본 여행도 가끔 하고 있습니다. 주로 걷는 여행을 좋아...
Gender : Male
Age : 22
Live in : Indonesia
hello, let me introduction my self, my name is Adrian Harahap i m from indonesia i m 20 y. o. i m college student, student majoring in law. i like drawing, photography, graphic design, and videography...
Gender : Female
Age : 42
Live in : Malaysia
I m Malaysian. Married. I ve a 17 years old daughter. There is plenty of free time. Hope to find friends to chat and learn from each other. Love travelling, movies, collecting anime, manga, game merch...